Bass suggestions


i was looking for a new bass and i remeber someone here plays one i was wondering what is a good bass i had my eye on an epiphone thunderbird but i dont know much about them so if u know anything about those that would help too


epiphone is a really reliable brand. it is basically a more affordable version of the gibson firebird. just play it and if you like it buy it.. I also think you should look into some ernie ball basses.


I have a Slammer Series 5 string by Hamer that I am currently trying to sell. I played it for about 6 years, but am now drumming. PM me if you would be interested.


As with any instrument, it is not the name on the label but the sound and feel that you are looking for. Try several out and see what you like. Unless I am very much mistaken, and I don't think that I am; Epiphone is not a brand, it is a style of instrument that is semi-hollow bodied.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
As with any instrument, it is not the name on the label but the sound and feel that you are looking for. Try several out and see what you like. Unless I am very much mistaken, and I don't think that I am; Epiphone is not a brand, it is a style of instrument that is semi-hollow bodied.
no it is a brand, they do have semi/full hollowed body's and also solids. I have 2 epi's and i love them. it's a gibson but a more affordable version. like squire is to fender but way better haha, or a even better example as how ford is to lincoln.
but yeah pick some up and play, thats the only way youll find "the one".


Moderator click on epiphone. I had to go to the Gibson website. You had me doubting myself. Then I went to musiciansfriend. It is a brand. It is a version of the Les Paul. There are epiphone versions from acoustic to electric, to bass. You made me learn something new about instruments and I thank you. I had to look that one up. I have an epiphone at my store. It is used. I assumed it was the body of it. Now I know better! Good thing I am not the musician huh?


My 17 yr old son is a musician (drums, guitar, bass, trumpet, tuba and pretty much anything else he decides to pick up). I don't play anything but I do the sound for his praise band and our church praise teams. my experience being the one who has purchased all my sons equipment and most of the church equipment is that whatever feels the best to you, and makes a quality tone is what you need, be it drums, guitars or whatever.
I have personnally dealt with epiphone, fender, peavey, galveston and schecter basses. The only one I would not recommend is the schecter, and only because the one we have uses a 9volt battery preamp that is mounted in the back of the bass. inveriably the battery goes dead right @ the most inopportune time.
If you are looking for an inexpensive starter bass, Look up galveston basses, neat designs and pretty good sound.
Best of luck and have fun!


Active Member
My best suggestion for bass is slow rolling a bass assassin over hydrilla. I am also a fan of rattle traps. Oops wrong bass.
I have always been a fan of the quality and versatility of Fenders!!