batfish lets see them.


Just want to see who has them. How old. Tank size. and what do you feed. And who are there tank mates? Thanks



Thanks, I loved him, had him 2 years, I was so proud of Ben, I hand fed him to get him to eat in the beginning then he was more agressive than my Tangs..ate like a bear and held his own, he never touched a coral...
He went into one of my caves recently(Which he never did) and must have seen light toward the back so tried to come up the back and got stuck and sufficated...I cried like a baby. So sad to loose him in such a stupid way when he was sooo healthy. He was about 13 inches tall...


Originally Posted by victoria
Thanks, I loved him, had him 2 years, I was so proud of Ben, I hand fed him to get him to eat in the beginning then he was more agressive than my Tangs..ate like a bear and held his own, he never touched a coral...
He went into one of my caves recently(Which he never did) and must have seen light toward the back so tried to come up the back and got stuck and sufficated...I cried like a baby. So sad to loose him in such a stupid way when he was sooo healthy. He was about 13 inches tall...
Sorry to here that.


Thanks so much, it's funny, I got him as a naive novice and never regreted it, LFS were bewildered that he was so healthy and living so long. They are great fish but I think that I got lucky (in a sense). So in the end I don't think I'd recommend a Pinnatus because when it was time, I had no idea how to transport him to a larger tank with out seriously injuring his long fins...