Battered Yellow Tang


Hey guys, I rescued a yellow tang today from a powder brown that completely tore this poor little guy to pieces. He looks to be doing well, but does not "physically" look good. I was wondering if I could get some advice for treatment, such as feeding, supplements, medicines? He does not look to be diseased, just beaten up. By the way, this is just a temporary home, since I only have a 50G, he will be going to a new home if I'm successful. Thanks!


Staff member
What type of wounds does the fish have? I would recommend antibiotic treatment, but it sounds like the fish is in your display? Thus, I would not treat a fish in a display. There is not much you can do to treat the fish in the display tank. Offer food soaked in garlic and alternate with zoecon.


New Member
I know melafix and primafix help with open wound, and fin damage. Also, I know that garlic helps get the fish to eat.


Hey guys, the fish is eating (nori soaked in garlic) and seems to be doing very well. His mannerisms are that of a healthy fish, but he has extensive fin damage (pretty much completely missing the top and bottom fins, sorry don't know the technical terms) he is also white in some spots, and pale overall. I was going to setup a qt tank for him, but I just don't have the room. If I notice a decline in health though, I will try to make room for one. So anyway, I think I will try the garlic soaked food for now, and see what happens. Thanks!