BC's 10 gallon nano reef


Hey guys this is my 10 gallon nano reef tank. It has been featured on youtube and i just want to get your opinions and suggestions. Here is the tank

Oak 10 gallon with a current USA twin 40watt PC lighting. The filtration is an internal cascade with spray bar and an aquaclear 10 or 20.
It is about 2 months old, been dosing with purple up everynight and starting to see some coralline algae growth. Stock list:
pair of WC true perculas
star polyps
hammer coral
kenya tree
yellow polyps
button polyps
candy cane coral
The tank has around 10-12 pounds of rock but im most proud of how nicely my pair of true perculas have been getting along and the male is actually getting more black!!!
Thanks for looking, please let me see your 10s and give me feedback.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bettachris4
Hey guys this is my 10 gallon nano reef tank. It has been featured on youtube and i just want to get your opinions and suggestions. Here is the tank

Oak 10 gallon with a current USA twin 40watt PC lighting. The filtration is an internal cascade with spray bar and an aquaclear 10 or 20.
It is about 2 months old, been dosing with purple up everynight and starting to see some coralline algae growth. Stock list:
pair of WC true perculas
star polyps
hammer coral
kenya tree
yellow polyps
button polyps
candy cane coral
The tank has around 10-12 pounds of rock but im most proud of how nicely my pair of true perculas have been getting along and the male is actually getting more black!!!
Thanks for looking, please let me see your 10s and give me feedback.

I like it, really nice. ...I would like to see a better picture..the window is reflecting on the glass.


lol. Thanks for the replys. At one point when i was mixed freshwater and saltwater i had 16 running aquariums but now with the move i have 2 large (55+) aquariums and 3 nano reefs which i have recently found that i love. I have a BC29, BC14, and this 10g nano reef and i love it more than my larger setups with FW fish.


Lol for the glare. I am using my macbook pro so the computer screen is the reflection, but i will try tonight or i will eventually just switch to the camera. lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bettachris4
Lol for the glare. I am using my macbook pro so the computer screen is the reflection, but i will try tonight or i will eventually just switch to the camera. lol.
great to see you love the aquarium hobby. but in the 29g since you have the tang. why dont you move the tang to the 55g for now.


really nice looking tank there!
i was wondering how hard is it to get hold of wild caught percs?
cos i've got a pair of percs but their tank bred, and i want a wild caught pair becuase i want them to take to my anemone, and my ones atm couldnt care less that theres an anemone in it,


Hey skate.
My pair of WC dont host in BTAs, As of now im assuming they are wild caught, as that was the understanding from my online supplier.
I bought them small, they were around 20 bucks each and they have been together ever since.
From the aquaculture side, your probably best with tank raised as they are healthier and better use to condition. And like my pair, WC dont always host but i guess it doesnt hurt their chances.
lol. great luck with your clowns.

aquapod 24

Originally Posted by bettachris4
lol. Thanks for the replys. At one point when i was mixed freshwater and saltwater i had 16 running aquariums but now with the move i have 2 large (55+) aquariums and 3 nano reefs which i have recently found that i love. I have a BC29, BC14, and this 10g nano reef and i love it more than my larger setups with FW fish.
you should make the 72 a reef and use the 55 as a sump.


Wow, i love that tank!
Was it hard to set up? becasue i've been looking around on here allday at tanks and things and decided to register and find out more about how to set them up. Love the tank though.


Na, this tank wasnt hard to set up, maintainence is a pain as it has a hair algae breakout but the tank isnt hard to do to be honest.