be kind please


ok i know you guys are going to tell me i waisted my money but i just wanna know if anyone has had any lock with the red sea berline air lift skimmer...i needed one really bad and money is tight right now so i bought seems to be doing what its supposed to...but anyone have an opinion


Active Member
dont feel bad, i bought a seaclone 100.. got a good deal on it, but i heard it dont work for crap.. Its been running for 3 days, hasnt collected a thing.. my tank is new though.. it is easy to waste money in this hobby..just ask chadman
he just passed $2000 and hes got a 30 gallon.. ask ?'s before buying ANYTHING.. ask peoples reviews about it..they will give u their opinion, and maybe a suggestion to boot..


Active Member
Not sure what model you mean buy air lift but I use a the Berlin Classic model and feel its a fine skimmer for what I need. Been useing it for 5 years and its always working. Its not the top of the line but theres a lot of worse ones out there.


IMO, your skimmer isn't something you should skimp on...


Active Member
i used the berlin airlift for awhile , it did all right ...... i have a seaclone 150 now that works awesome


aqua remora pro is a great brand as well
sorry to go off topic, but you know, ben, i just watched how to lose a guy in 10 days, and everytime i see you, i just want to say 'benny boo boo boo boo boo', or 'benji', like she does in the movie! hahaha "you're not mad at me binky winky?"
ahem... aqua remora!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I once bought a skilter without researching first. Boy, was that thing a piece of CRAP!

Man, I heard that. A skilter was my first skimmer, and I replaced it within weeks after adding my first animals. However, I took out all the skimmer guts, stuffed it with chaeto, put a 7000k light on top of it, and I'm still running it as a H.O.T. filter/fuge. Works great! 0 nitrates since a week or so after adding the chaeto and light.
I had a seaclone 100, and could't get it to ever collect anything! I wish I would have known that the prizm was only 10 dollars more when I got my seaclone, because I have a prizm now, and it works wonders!


Active Member
I don't have a picture, but I'll try to take and post one this weekend. It's a great little setup for a smaller tank.


Active Member
Here's a picture of what I did with my old Skilter 250. I removed the little tower and the air hose. I filled the body of it with chaeto.
I removed the top and replaced it with a Mini Aqualight Double 9w (18w total) 6700k light. It's about half an inch wider all the way around than the top of the skilter, so it stays in place. I chose the 6700k light because it would better promote growth of the chaeto. The light is set to come on at night only; I had to put some tin foil on the back of my tank (not visible) to keep the light from bleeding through. Cost for the light was about $25.
I continue to run the filter cartridges. They keep the chaeto in place (without them bits of it drop into the tank) and I like running a filter in any event to pull particles out of the water.
So there you have it. It works really well. My nitrates have been zero since a week or so after setting this thing up. It's obviously not as good as a proper refugium (with lower flow, more space, etc), but it does help with the nitrates...and kept my Skilter from completely going to waste.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
is the seaclone 100 really as pooopy as i hear??
I have one works great! Gets stuff out all the time. It actually works better than my CPR Bak Pak
I just use a different hose with an intake knob that I can adjust. Works great!! Takes a while for it to "break in"