Beach sand?


I live right on the Gulf and was wondering if the sand that is found on the beaches will work inside a tank. Is is silicon based? Right now I am using qickreet sand but the silicon based molecules limits my live rock abilities to accept the calcium that i put into the tank.


From what I understand, it is not a good idea to use beach sand. It is not so much the type of sand as it is the contamanents. I too live on the coast, and it bites to buy sand. But for me, my tank is worth the investment and the peace of mind offered by purchacing a sand with known ingredients.


Active Member
As mentioned, beach sand is a hit or miss - with the risk much greater then the gain.
No telling for sure - unless you are a geologist - what the beach sand is made up of. I'd imagine most beach sand consists of ground up sea shells, quartz/silica, maybe some bits of old coral, dirt, chemical pollutants, decaying organic matter ...... whatever.
The whatever is the scary part. Not knowing for sure what you have there would lead me purchase a "known" composition of sand. The money and time you invest in setting up, maintaining and enjoying your tank is worth the bucks of buying quality sand. Plus - aragonite sands benifit your tanks pH and alkalinity down the road.
Or - get a bucket and shovel and "hope for the best".
Not worth it to me ;)

mr . salty

Active Member
Beach sand is a NO NO.The oceans beaches are like a giant skimmer(hense the foam).This is where all the pollutants wash up,and are skimmed out.Good reef/aquarium sand is taken from miles and miles from shore...


hey lone star. if your on the gulf in florida look around on ---- you can find live sand for next to nothing and pick it up to save on delivery.


I'm going to collect my own materials for
a 125 I'm setting up.I'm going to use the marl from the mangrove intrusion areas rather than the sand flats.The plan so far is
about 4 inches sifted only for obvious things
Tank filled with seawater and all systems running. Anyone want to exchange info on this method? Contact me directly no use clogging the