Beat up fish


So i went to the LFS last week and bought a purple firefish and he was beat up by the blue damsel that was in the tank with him so i offered 10$ for the fish and really didnt think he would live but he is doing fine now. My question is his tail fin is ripped up pretty bad and he only has dorsal spine is only a quarter of a inch. I was wondering will he heal up from this and how long will it take and would his dorsal spine even grow back. He is swimming fine and still pops up his dorsal spine (whats left of it) but i would like this fish to get back to his original beauty.


Active Member
His ripped fins should health up pretty quickly. The dorsal spine could be a different story. I'm not an expert on firefish, but some fish grow them back, others take a reeeeally long time, others don't at all..