Beautiful Large Yellow Tang FOR SALE


New Member
Hello All,
I have a very large yellow tang for sale. We call her Cleopatra. She has outgrown the tank. I hate to get rid of her. The LFS and other members of the board beleive it is in her best interest, so my wife and I will let her go. I hope she will get a good home.
If interested here is the bottom line:
Price: FREE to a good home.
Status: No diseases... etc... PH 8.2 SG1.022-24 TEMP 78...she is big and beautiful.
Pictures of her in the tank can be found here>>Click Here
Thanks in advance
We are In Ankeny Iowa. I have styrofoam will drive but not ship. If interested please email the above address. Thanks again.


oh you can ship it, fedex overnight...take it to your LFS in the morning and have them fill a bag with air....good temp right now to ship...


Active Member
If your willing to ship i'll pay for it. I have a 265 gallon tank and three 125.
I like to adopt fish (tangs) and give them better homes if i can.
i adopted Bitte's purple tang about a month ago (check out before and now pics and the now pic with his buddy the male naso)
Plenty of nori and garlic soaked foods.
Cleopatra would be more then welcomed to stay.
Let me know. Rzuko94 at



New Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
If your willing to ship i'll pay for it. I have a 265 gallon tank and three 125.
I like to adopt fish (tangs) and give them better homes if i can.
i adopted Bitte's purple tang about a month ago (check out before and now pics and the now pic with his buddy the male naso)
Plenty of nori and garlic soaked foods.
Cleopatra would be more then welcomed to stay.
Let me know. Rzuko94 at
Very Nice Home! Check you email. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
yeah the purple was suffering from it bad. Like i said up top his HLLE was bad, lose of color with pitting going on.
If you look in the close up you can see the color starting to come back and brighten up alot.


New Member
Originally Posted by stimpy4242
Oh i see how it is...ship to the second person to respond...not me...ok fine.

Actually first come first serve. But I need help!! I have no idea where to start for shipping her / him.
I thought your comment was a joke (Bag of Air) meaning to me kill the fish. Sorry about that. Whomever is interested we can work this out next week if possible when I return from nebraska. I leave tommorow. (Business)
email : michael.johnstone AT M-F 0900-1700
I don't answer the cell during that time (only at nights) that number can be found on my biz website gomwdo dot com.
Again Thanks. Oh! by the looks of the picture, using the Algea clip for reference, she is almost the size of the Powder blue you have and bigger that the purple above. ;) Just FYI


New Member
Originally Posted by stimpy4242
Oh i see how it is...ship to the second person to respond...not me...ok fine.

I have chosen to give her to sharkbait9. So this is the last post from me about this Fish for sale. She will be going to a "Better" place.
With sharkbait9's permission I hope to show her again in her new home! Thanks again and all members of this board for helping my wife and out in this time of need.
Anna & Mike Johnstone