Been thinking. (political based thread)

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ok, There seems to be little doubt Hussein had WMDs at one point. we have a large contigent of people here that believe "Bush Lied" about him having them at the time. Let's use common sense here for a bit. Ok, he used to have them. We didn't find any. So if Bush lied and Sadaam dismantled everything seems to me there would be evidence on a significant scale of such action. So I propose to those that honestly believe the bush lied mantra, to explain to me why there was no evidence of his disarmament. we should have found tons of this atleast.

darthtang aw

Active Member
THAT is very informative and sheds light on a lot. I saved it for reference and to follow in the future.
Especially since they have only gone through about 5% of Sadaam's secret papers and recordings....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
THAT is very informative and sheds light on a lot. I saved it for reference and to follow in the future.
Especially since they have only gone through about 5% of Sadaam's secret papers and recordings....
Its been how many years? I doubt they have only gone through 5%. These items would have been the 1st things to go through. Without knowing how much material that is... I have to believe they have gone through more than that given the importance of that information... and for even explaining to the public the justification of the war.


Active Member
Last I heard they were still saying less than 10% has been analysed so 5 may not be far off. There is a lot of stuff to go over. Most of it probably meaningless.


Active Member
Bush just needs to finish the job quickly... get Bin Laden and get outta there... enough time has been spent and Hussein is gone...
ohhh... here is some cowbell...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Its been how many years? I doubt they have only gone through 5%. These items would have been the 1st things to go through. Without knowing how much material that is... I have to believe they have gone through more than that given the importance of that information... and for even explaining to the public the justification of the war.
I doubt it to be honest. Because with the amount of people stating Bush lied for him to come out with this as his proof now might be premature without making sure all the information is analyzed and pieced together. This way when the questions come they can be fully answered.
Also, these things have to be decoded, translated, timelined and sifted through. We gave sadaam ten years to disarm and many feel that wasn't enough, I think you can wait a few more for the ACCURATE answers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Bush just needs to finish the job quickly... get Bin Laden and get outta there... enough time has been spent and Hussein is gone...
ohhh... here is some cowbell...

More Cowbell!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I doubt it to be honest. Because with the amount of people stating Bush lied for him to come out with this as his proof now might be premature without making sure all the information is analyzed and pieced together. This way when the questions come they can be fully answered.
Also, these things have to be decoded, translated, timelined and sifted through. We gave sadaam ten years to disarm and many feel that wasn't enough, I think you can wait a few more for the ACCURATE answers.
I suspect finding translators who can get Top Secret Security Clearance has significantly slowed the effort to translate anything.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect finding translators who can get Top Secret Security Clearance has significantly slowed the effort to translate anything.

this has always been huge problem as there are so many dialects of the language as well.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I suspect finding translators who can get Top Secret Security Clearance has significantly slowed the effort to translate anything.
Plus this is Saddam, of course he documented all of his actions and had them filed in perfect order and then kept all of his documents in filing cabinets at the Baghdad public library. Seriously though, I submit that we have probably only ascertained 5% of Saddam's documents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I doubt it to be honest. Because with the amount of people stating Bush lied for him to come out with this as his proof now might be premature without making sure all the information is analyzed and pieced together. This way when the questions come they can be fully answered.
Also, these things have to be decoded, translated, timelined and sifted through. We gave sadaam ten years to disarm and many feel that wasn't enough, I think you can wait a few more for the ACCURATE answers.
You can look for something released around general election time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Ok, There seems to be little doubt Hussein had WMDs at one point. we have a large contigent of people here that believe "Bush Lied" about him having them at the time. Let's use common sense here for a bit. Ok, he used to have them. We didn't find any. So if Bush lied and Sadaam dismantled everything seems to me there would be evidence on a significant scale of such action. So I propose to those that honestly believe the bush lied mantra, to explain to me why there was no evidence of his disarmament. we should have found tons of this atleast.
Darth, this is such a simplistic view of those who disagree with Bush's actions. If you truly believe that this is the only reason that people disagree with Bush's conduct then you haven't grasped much of what's been debated at nauseum on this board. The reality is that it really doesn't matter whether Bush intentionally lied about the WMD's, whether he was simply wrong about his conclusions, or whether his cowboy conduct and tough words prior to the war gave Saddam plenty of time to get rid of the weapons.... regardless of whichever is the truth (and we may never know), he did not recover these weapons. Not coincidentally, Iraq's neighbors now seem to have had great advances in their quests for such weapons.
It's pretty clear that you started this thread just to beat the hell out of this dead horse. We all know each other's positions pretty well by now.... lets get over it.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Crimzy, I know this debate has been rehashed with myself and some of the regular posters like you. And I know and respect your stance on many points we disagree on as you are always informed about your views. However I asked the question because we seem to have a few new people here that like to through out Party line/ blanket statements such as bush lied...with out backing it up further. My point was to draw them out a bit more to get a greater understanding of their info and views and what they are based on. You and I both can agree a view can be formed based off disinformation and that is not benefitial to our country as a whole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Crimzy, I know this debate has been rehashed with myself and some of the regular posters like you. And I know and respect your stance on many points we disagree on as you are always informed about your views. However I asked the question because we seem to have a few new people here that like to through out Party line/ blanket statements such as bush lied...with out backing it up further. My point was to draw them out a bit more to get a greater understanding of their info and views and what they are based on. You and I both can agree a view can be formed based off disinformation and that is not benefitial to our country as a whole.
Alright then... rock on.

BTW, you do know that even Darth Vader came around from the dark side in the end. When are you coming back to the light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Darth, this is such a simplistic view of those who disagree with Bush's actions. If you truly believe that this is the only reason that people disagree with Bush's conduct then you haven't grasped much of what's been debated at nauseum on this board. The reality is that it really doesn't matter whether Bush intentionally lied about the WMD's, whether he was simply wrong about his conclusions, or whether his cowboy conduct and tough words prior to the war gave Saddam plenty of time to get rid of the weapons.... regardless of whichever is the truth (and we may never know), he did not recover these weapons. Not coincidentally, Iraq's neighbors now seem to have had great advances in their quests for such weapons.
It's pretty clear that you started this thread just to beat the hell out of this dead horse. We all know each other's positions pretty well by now.... lets get over it.
This is true, but if you check the thread I started, the last few pages has been a rush of bush lied mantra with no credible points to back up any of his accusations. So the overall question is justified.