Before and after pics of my refugium.


Active Member
I just put my sand in and released the culerpa I have been growing in it. I am currently in the process of making a new one, but got ancy so I beefed this one up until I get the other up and running. This one is built in my custom built, all acrylic sump.
The refugium I have under constuction will also be apart of my sump. I'll use a miricale mud substrate as well as release my larger rock pieces covered in macro algea and my mangrove. Then use this chamber of the sump(current refugium) as a growing place for my plants. Please give me you input.<a href="" target="_blank">Pics of my refugium.</a>


Active Member
No, this is my current one. That chamber I was debating on is under construction now. I'll be dropping it off this week to have a bottom put on the chamber and then it's off to the races.
I have two 2ft actnic vho's over the mangrove, culerpa, and the rocks with the macro algea.


Damn Predator, between your tank construction and what was the other day - baby room? Your head must be spinning.
I got a '78 shovelhead with blown heads, can you wrench on that too? ;)


Active Member
I'v dropped a few transmissions, replaced a couple of blown head gaskets and still manage to get dinner cooked every night.


You stud. :p When I do that stuff, I am always worried about putting my hands in the tank afterward, even after using lava, etc.. I will wait a day just to be safe.
Do you think about this? What do you do?


Active Member
I usually wash the heck out of my hands and arms. Then make sure I rinse for awhile. Usually til I'm annoyed by the sound of the water running. But since I got the new tank up I'v had my hands in the tank very little. My girlfriend and I are a young couple and it helps out being able to do alot with my own hands. Between the mortage, bills and this hobby we need every penny.