Before and After


Active Member
this is before new lr and new lights:

this is after:

this is the lr newly put in:
(white piece)

this is after 3 weeks under the new lights:



Originally Posted by exile415
i would take that pink thing out .. IMO
i agree


I had the same thing happen, changes to new lights and red alge started growing, go to the LFS and get yourself some ultralife red alge remover, It worked great for me!


I found that my red algae problems always hit me when I start a new tank with insufficient water flow in it. What do you have as far as powerheads or pumps on this puppy?
So far so good by the way, your tank is coming along great. Your starting up a nice base for your reef tank to come. Ideally if you had all the money in the world, what would you want? Once you have that answered, slowly work towards it. Good luck !! :happyfish


Active Member
well im not really into the reef stuff so i want to get a 150gal in about 4 months and pending on $$$ i have been eyeing a 210 :thinking:
and i guess thats the final straw for that dam pink thing...
it just picks up dust looking stuff


Active Member
What is that pink thing?
I think your tank looks really nice. Keep up the good work!! Mine is still a work in progress, and probably always will be (must be the artist in me).
I love to see other tank pics. Post more as you progress!!
Lisa :happyfish

soo high

can i be a copy cat and copy that rock formation j.p how big is ur tank and is that gravel on the bottom


Active Member
well my tank is a 40gal and for the bottom, it is crushed coral... i had sand but i wanted to be different so i went with cc
dont steal my rock structure :mad:
just kidding go ahead i have been waiting to be a help on here


ya drop the pink plastic anenome
How much flow do you have in your tank? I used to get red hair algae till i upped my flow to the correct amount and it has cleared up.


Active Member
i wish i knew
i have two powerheads that i might get new ones because i dont think there is enough flow