Before And After


What do you think about my aquascaping?
Right now I only have a Perc Clown, FireFish, Cleaner Shrimp, 4hermits, i big turbo, and tigger pods


The aquascaping looks pretty good. You might want some more LR. Maybe connect the big pile of rocks with the single with a piece of tonga or something.
How did you get the water to clear up like that?


after the fine sand settled in the sump, i cleaned the sump out twice and it cleared up by itself over night, i was amazed myself, I really didn't do anything, I want to put more rock and the tonga sounds like a good idea, but I wanted the fish to have more swim space than anything, i have 30lbs, or lr in a 37gal. tall, it looks so much clearer up close


Active Member
Looks great, how long has it been set up??? some more rock wouldn't hurt
. Here is my 37G around 55Lbs of LR


Set up for a month, hey that looks cool, i don't see many people have plant life in there tanks, cool lion, I think i just might get either some more rock or a tonga branch, going to lfs today, want to pick up another shrimp too, but i might wait,