Before I switch to a fish only


I been doing saltwater for about 2 years,last 5 months i been trying to keep corals and invertebrates alive but I just can't. so i think I'm going back to trigger and lion fish but my ? is do I need retrofit lights,wet/dry,uv,protein skimmer,canister filter for FO tanks i had expendt so much money on this that i dont know what to do i love salt water fish but i think i can't do it no more, do you guys think that could sell some of this things or i need all for FO tanks

mr . salty

Active Member
I have all the bells and whistles on my 130 FOWLR tank,and there is only one coral in it.The live rock loves the MH lighting.And a sump is the only way to go(IMO).Definatly keep it all.


I would keep it also. At least for awhile. Triggers are generally messy. Get rid of it and you might find yourself wanting it back. Better safe than sorry.


Staff member
I have just about always regretted ever tossing or giving away any of my "old" hobby equiptment [except for the Seaclone...I'll never regret throwing that away!]


You really don't need them ,but I would keep some of the stuff to keep the water quality up ,,,,thus meaning healthy fish :D


I would definatly keep it, in case you want to switch back someday. Why do you keep losing livestock? Maybe we can help you there too.


I can't bring the nitrates down i try everything,water chance whit r/o water,nitate sponge,what i don't understand is why some of the guys here told me to removed the canister,and removed everything inside of the wet/dry, the uv,those things cost me a fortune.


Cannister filters and wet/dry filters are good for what they are designed to do. Changing ammonia to nitrite to nitrate. The media they use aren't designed to elimintate nitrates. If you use these as your only means of filtering than the only way to lower nitrates is through water changes.
To export nitrates without doing many water changes you need to set up your tank with a deep sand bed (4-6") or build a plenum sand bed and 1 - 1.5 lbs live rock per gallon of water. The lower level of the sand bed chemically changes nitrates to nitrogen gas which is harmless and and escapes into the atmosphere. My reef tank uses a deep sand bed, a wet/dry (no bio/media in there) and a skimmer. That is all the filtration I have and the nitrates are less than 5ppm as of testing on Saturday. If I need to polish the water I put carbon in a mesh bag and throw it in the sump. This is a simplified explanation but this simple set up works.
UV sterilizers kill bacteria, they have no effect on your nitrate levels.
[ April 20, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]
[ April 20, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


The only thing in the wet/dry is the return pump, skimmer and the heater :) That's the beauty of the Berlin method.
Deep sand bed
Live rock
Power heads for good circulation
One in a while some carbon to polish the water.
When I first set up this particular tank I kept the media in the wet/dry, but took it out when I was convinced that it wouldn't crash the tank. If you want to go this route, check out John Tullock's book Natural Reef Aquariums. It's the Bible to most reefers and explains everything very well.
That's it.
[ April 20, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


ok slk today i add 20 more pounds of ls for total of 60pounds and some lr so do you think that I should removed the bio/media rightnow?


Active Member
I recommend removing biomedia a quarter at a time every two weeks to allow the LR and LS to catch on its biofiltration duties. You need 5+" of LS and 1lbs per gal of LR with sand sifting creatures also.
I would also remove all mechanical filtration from the canister, for the same nitrate generating reasons.
My 29gal reef has maintained zero nitrates with a plenum system and no maintenance or sand sifters.
I spent $60.00 on the gravel, $20.00 on the plenum, $250.00 on LR, $20.00 on the skimmer(outdated airlift), $60.00 pumps and $170.00 on the MH lighting. Very nice reef for about <$600.00.


Agree with Burns, remove the bio balls in stages to let the Live rock and sand to catch up.
Good luck