begginer corals


so im going to get my light soon.What are some suppliesi need to have like mushrooms,zoos.rics. and softies?


Active Member
Nothing as far as supplies for mushrooms, zoos, or ricoridas. Just have balanced calcium and alkalinity.


Active Member
That should be enough IMO. Mushrooms and some softies should be ok just on photosynthesis. Zoos require supplemental feeding once or twice a week. Enriched brine or Cyclopeeze or something along those lines are sufficient


Active Member
zoas will be fine with just lighting. they dont require supplemental feeding and most wont take to it.


Do guys think this lighting will let me have sps and clams?

Also these have individual reflectors if that helps


Active Member
yea, i think you should be fine. try something easy first like a montipora capricornis. give it a month or so and see how it does. theres much more to sps than just lighting. they need perfect water and really good flow. maybe try a squamosa first if you want a clam. there the least light needing of all the clams.
if your tank is new, it should mature at least 6 months imo before trying sps or clams. 8 months would be better if your new to the reef scene.


Originally Posted by teen
yea, i think you should be fine. try something easy first like a montipora capricornis. give it a month or so and see how it does. theres much more to sps than just lighting. they need perfect water and really good flow. maybe try a squamosa first if you want a clam. there the least light needing of all the clams.
if your tank is new, it should mature at least 6 months imo before trying sps or clams. 8 months would be better if your new to the reef scene.
well actually im not new to the reef scene ive been in reefing for over a year and only had fowlr and now im going to make the jump for corals. Im not going to go right a way for sps and clams i just wanted to know if i can house them with this light. thanks for the replies also


Originally Posted by teen
reefing refers to coral keeping, not just saltwater.
o sorry thought you meant saltwater in total