Begginer Info

tsunami boy

New Member
Hey everybody!
I'm new to the whole saltwater aquarium thing and I'm even sure if I should take the plunge. Well anyway my question is because I'm a beginner I have been surfing the net looking for info the problem is I can't seem to find a good site that explains everything in detail. If you know of any kind of site I would be really grateful if you told me. Also are there any books that are considered a great help to someone thinking of starting a salt water maybe reef aquarium?

sinner's girl

This is a great website to ask questions and find answers and lots of info!
do a search a you'll find some books.
gtg i'll say more later


Active Member
This is a god site to start out in for info. Ask and you are sure to get many answers. I understand about the surfing the net thing, its hard to find a good one, but its kinda a no no here to give out sites to search on, seeing that you can get any answers you need here. This is my number 1 research site. Anyways about the books to read, I searched alittle for you from this site and found a post that contains some books to start out with
link to books
Hope that helps ;)


Active Member
Ok that didnt work go to the search button at the top of this page and type in "books" and click perform search, scroll down and find the post titled "I need some book learning" by Portugee. That has some books listed there. Sorry bout that.:)

sinner's girl

sorry i answered so fast, i had to leave.
anyway, you can read post at this board or ask...we will either answer your question, or tell ya where to go.
"explains everything in detail"
what do you need explained? do you know what you need for a tank? how to cycle?
Just ask!
My two cents...before talking the dive spend a little time here, know what you're getting into. it takes time, effort and paitance (i can't spell) oh, and money helps. It's better to do things right (or at least the way you want them) the first time around. as reefman said "there are NO stupid questions in this hobby." If you're unsure ask.

tsunami boy

New Member
Thank you for all your replys.
I will come back to this message board often and see whats happening and ask a question or two. I think visiting a good fish store might also give me a more visual idea of the whole hobby.
Again thank you!


Active Member
not to discourage you of your LFS, but it is hard to find a good one, so please ask here when they tell you something, just to get another opinion(s). Cant go wrong with thousands on a site giving opinions and/or experience (thats more the likely). Then you make your decision as you see fit, and trust me it makes you feel like you did the best you knew how.
What I did, came to this BB every few days and literally read every post, absorbing it all (overwhelming at times), but I learned alot even reading things I had no idea about, but it helped cause sooner or later it happened to me and I remembered what I read, but still asked questions. ie, starting out I had no idea that there was actually living creatures in the LR, read a few posts and was in awe---had to go check my LR out more closely. lol ;)