Begginer needs info.


Ok i am just rapping up research and would like to get an anenome.
I understand i wont be able to get one until like a year after everything is finished(ie putting fish in every 2 weeks etc oh and cycling) and would like to know what kind would be best (i am am getting percula clownfish)and easiest and what special equipment it needs.
Also my quetion about clownfish (Yeah double header)
I am getting a pair of clownfish and i dont really want to get any fry eggs larvae etc. Well i do but my mom doesnt. So can i just let them mate lay their eggs and do with them what they want or what? No i will not put anything int here to make them not mate.


Active Member
most likely your fish eggs will die before they can hatch. you won't be able to sterilize your fish, or prevent one from becoming female.
as for anenomes, bubble tips are nice, but make sure you have GOOD lighting. i have 2 under power compact flourescents and while i think they are doing well, they have to be at the top of my rock or they don't do well.


What size tank do you have and what equipment filter, lighting, live rock, and skimmer. If your clowns lay eggs and you do not want to raise them just let them hatch in your aquarium(they will almost 100% of the time hatch) and your fish, corals, anemone will eat them. It will not hurt your tank.


Active Member
I agree with the above info. your eggs will end up as food , their are special steps you need to take to raise clownfish and even when you do take all the steps and have all the right equipment I hear it is hard to get the hang of and have a good success rate.
BTA will be your best bet ... make sure you have AT LEAST PC's and optimum water quality.. and yes wait about a year.


what are PC's? And Also is reverse osmosis water "Optimum"? Also i really what a carpet anenome as well when will that be a good choice?