beginner clams?



anyone have any clams under pc?/vho?
I know about the "they survive" but "not thrive" in these conditions but was wondering if anyone is getting away with it?
I'm eventually gonna upgrade to halides from my pc's after the holidays and bills.
what's the easiest clams?asking cause my lfs is hooking me up with a Derasa Clam about 3-4 inches for 25 bucks.but thats ONLY if i can support it I have 2 96 watters of pc on a 60,but my water quality is great and my live rick is 3 inches from the top.


Active Member
I am no expert, so this is a bump for you and for others to say. I just read a post a few days ago and wrote down what I believe was clams that you can house without MH, but with VHO's. I'll give you the names, but please make sure I am correct first and do some research. Squamosa or hippopus. Like I said, I dont know enough about clams, but I wrote it down for research later. HTH, and someone chimes in.



Originally posted by skilos1
squamosa's will live under pcs and vhos. Remember its not only lighting, calcium and water conditions come into factor just as much.

Just wanted to say War Eagle! I graduated from Auburn in 98. I come from a long line of Auburn people.