Beginner corals?


Staff member
Ricordias.....beautiful, easy to take care of, and everyone loves them!.



What everyone else said. Also don't forget xenia. I love xenia it is easy to care for, spreads, and filters. Although most xenia doesn't look that great the pom pom version is awesome. Kenya tree coral is also good.


Active Member
I am going to add leathers and colt coral to everyones list although start with some shrooms and ricordia for sure.... :joy:


Active Member
Wow, great pics guys and gals. As for the xenia... it is a sort of hit or miss coral. They spreadl ike wildfire in my tank, but I've heard some very respected hobbyists from this site that say that xenia won't grow in their tanks.


Active Member
ive heard this a lot too mudplayerx. I have never tried it, so i dont ahve any first hand experience, but i have heard many many others say the same thing.
get some rics!!! i vote for them!!! rics are probably my favorite coral!! Rics and many LPS like frogspawns and hammers!!! I only have two rics though........ But more to come! heh heh(they both have two mouths so they will split soon)