Beginner Fish Feeding Question


New Member
My tank should be cycled very shortly. First I plan on introducing my cleaning crew, then I plan on getting a clownfish for my first. My question is on what food should the clownfish be feed? I see there is flake, pellet, frozen, etc. I do not want to overfeed my fish. If anyone could give me any suggestions on what to feed my fish, and any good brand names also, I would appreciate it.


Active Member
I've not used a wide variety of foods, but I think frozen brine shrimp is liked by most fish. I have an oscellaris clown that loves it. I have flake food too, but my fish will often spit it back out. Now, my father feed flakes to his fish more often than I do and they seem to accept it more readily.


I started my clowns on liquid plankton and now I've moved them over to flake frenzy. They seem to really like it. Flake Frenzy supposedly is made up of a variety of food types so it is good for them.


the bigger the variety the better, mysis would be better than brine because it is meatier and has more nutritional value than brine.


Active Member
I got 2 clownfish this past weekend. I was worried that they would be shy and not want to eat, but they are absolute hogs. they even attempt to eat my finger. they will eat brine, mysis, flake, and pellet food. mysis shrimp is probably the best in overall nutrition, from what I've read.


I alternate what I feed my fish: flakes, cyclopeez or mysis and occasionally soak the food in Kent's garlic.