Beginner Help


New Member
I don't want to bug anyone with numerous threads there a so called "bible" book for corals? One that i can usually find an answer to just about any question a beginner might ask. Also, I ahave a 70 gallon reef tank witha coralife light plant (metal halide with the actinic and moon lighting). Is this sufficient for most corals?


The formula you use for lighting is by dividing the total wattage of your lights by the tank gallons. Example: I have 440 watts of VHO's and 2 175 watt metal halides for a total of 790 watts. I have a 90 gallon tank so I have 8.77 watts per gallon. Then, you need to decide what type of corals you want to keep. Most of your softies and LPS will do fine with about 5 watts per gallon, but SPS will require more intense lighting and also more flow.
As for books, I found "The Simple Guide to Reefs" very helpful as well as "The Simple Guide to Corals." I can't remember the author, but the books are very informative for someone just starting out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by raiderred23
I don't want to bug anyone with numerous threads there a so called "bible" book for corals? One that i can usually find an answer to just about any question a beginner might ask. Also, I ahave a 70 gallon reef tank witha coralife light plant (metal halide with the actinic and moon lighting). Is this sufficient for most corals?
Go to this thread, it should be very helpful. It has links to all sorts of stuff.