Beginner looking for help??


New Member
So I've been a freshwater guy for the last five years, and want to get into the saltwater game for something a little more exciting and interesting. I don't have any equipment yet. I've been doing research for the past two weeks and think I'm ready to dive in.
I was wondering if anyone had used equipment from upgrades or whatever they would be willing to sell. As far as a tank goes, I think I'm going to start with something between 90 and 120 gallons. Stand isn't too important, I can build one, but I would like to get a used tank if possible to try to keep some of the expenses down.
If anyone has anything available, let me know.
I'm always willing to hear any beginner advice anyone wants to give.


Active Member
What area do you live in? I find a great resource is the local reef or aquarium clubs - often you can get very very good deals on whole set ups, plus, you'll get support from locals to help set it up, and even get you started with livestock.
So definitely look local. that is the best bet.