Beginner to please!

reef dude

Ok, i posted yesterday that i purchased my first coral, a frogspawn. It keeps opening up and then closing back up.
My calcium is 350 ppm, my alkalinity is 3.7 meq/L and my pH is 8.3
I dose with kalk but i never see a raise in calcium. This is my first coral and i wanna make sure i get all my levels straightened out.
Can anyone tell me what i should do in order to get all my levels where they need to be??


what do you mean it opens and then closes? Mine is open during most of the day and then closes up at night.


Active Member
reef dude.....the reason your calcium won't go up is because you are dosing the kalk....kalk simply maintains the calcium at the level it is does not raise it. You will need a calcium supplement for that....once you raise it to your desired level with the supplement, then you dose the kalk to keep it there.

reef dude

ohhh i see, well i am using liquid calcium from kent marine every day as well as kalkwasser from kent marine.
As for my frogspawn, it seems to "blow up" its tentacles with the pink tips during the day and then when the actinics are on before bedtime, they shrink up so all you can see are the pink tips, but they look neon green under the actinics. Like i said, im still new to the whole coral thing so i am not familiar with the terminology. Also, it seems that some of the coral isnt getting light because the tentacles above block out the light to the other tentacles.
Should corals stay open (puffed up) at all times or is it normal for them to shrink up at night?