Beginning Anemone Assistance & Advice Sought


New Member
I bought this guy yesterday from a local SW supplier chain and concerned that I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
I've watched him in the store for about two weeks, determined him to be healthy and purchased him, a 2" yellow tang and a 1.25" Maroon Clown (all in separate display tanks) simultaneously.
I added them to my 55gal aquarium yesterday.
The beast is sticky as all getout and I have discovered moving him is a delicate chore. He got hold of two of my fingers and was attempting to grab more when I finally disengaged him.
Two fingers was disconcerting and dificult, The thought of my hand and disengagement was horrifying.
My concern here is that although I love the looks of him I'm concerned that he may not be the right purchase for me.
I've had difficulty keeping him in one location (hence the SS rod he's leaning against) since putting him in the tank yesterday.
He wondered across the tank last night and came in contact with an established GBTA.
Although it appears that no damage was incurred to the GBTA, the yellow tang was discovered early this morning, DOA 6" away from him.
I have yet to find the Maroon Clown.
I'm reluctantly considering returning him for a $50.00 credit for other stock that won't destroy each other.
Any body have any advice for me on this sticky issue?
55gal 3mo old.
Canister filtration
Power head med.
T-10 lighting full spec & Blue
Haddon Carpet - Tan/Pink
18" mol. dia.
6" dia foot

********** 1 HOUR LATER ***********

It appears that he is now beginning to cling to the rock.

A better color shot without flash.



Active Member
I would return the anemone. The lighting that you have is not sufficient for this type of anemone. I would suggest upgrading your lighting to T-5, metal halide or LED before attempting to keep any anemone. Also, this type of anemone is known for eating/killing fish.


New Member
I spent a day researching this guy and afterwards, determined that it would have been a much less expensive idea to do that prior to purchasing him.
Yesterday, I returned the anemone as I can't have my power head on while he's wondering around in the tank and he's far to aggressive for my tank symbiosis desires.
As for lighting, I was under the impression that my lighting was sufficient?
Coral Sun 48"
F32T8 Actinic 420
2440 to 2600 Mean Lumens
High intensity actinic lamp with strong emissions in the short wavelength region of the spectrum, peaking at 420 nm
Ultra Sun 48"
F32T8 Super Daylight
A 6,500K high intensity trichromatic full spectrum daylight lamp
In any case, I've left him at a local specialty store rather than taking him back to the moron sales guy at the General Pet Store where I got him.
Lesson learned...
Never buy expensive items from a discount pet store. They have no specialty experience and you'll most likely regret the purchase.