Believe It or Not-Please read


You won't believe this or will you. I bought a Bubble tip anemone about 8 mo. ago - size of a DINNER PLATE and it stayed nice size for a few weeks. I bought a Tomatoe Clown for it - Perfect - What a pair- The Clown Rubbed, Bumped,Slept in, Hid in and so on - protected totally. The anemone seemed to be gradually getting smaller thought over the 8 mo. I asked and check on water qual, lighting, special feeding you name it. I sort of felt like the clown was over protective. Instead of the clown feeding it I begain to think he was keeping all the food away and trying to protect it. I would try to feed with a long food stick right in mouth formula one, cocktail shrimp, liquid lr food and so on. Yesterday, I finally traded off the Tomatoe In my last attempt to save my SILVER DOLLAR sizeHALF INCH TALL anemone. What a heart breaker I just had to choose. To my supprize this morning at 6 am feeding this otherwise withered away anemone was the size of a SOFTBALL and 5 inch high. No one has ever suggested the clown could be to much for this SHY anemone. Wasen't water, wasen'tlighting, wasen't food but it was just TO ROUGHED UP. Has this ever been the case for anyone else??
You have no idea how good I feel today!!! I will try a Maroon Clown maybe later. :cool:


Thanks for the reply. You said it better. Never gave it a break. I was afraid he would move on to my long tentacle or saddle anemone. I really felt like I should share this info to all since it has never been suggested to me as a possible problem.