Belligerent Sailfin.


I introduced a 4" blue hamlet into my 135g system today. The smaller sailfin tang is extremely aggressive towards it. Is this simply a tang being a tang and doing the pecking order thing, or do I have a problem on my hands? Anyone experience similar behaviours with tangs? I thought the hamlet, being a completely diffrent genus, shape, and color from the tang, would not be a problem. Insights would be much appreciated. Thanks, TT.


Thanks jw for your experience. The hamlet has found shelter amongst coral. Things seem a bit better (the tang no longer seems annoyed, got tired of ego tripping I guess, lol) I am only leaving the actinics on for today. Hopefully that will also help calm things down. I will be constantly monitoring tho. TT.


Active Member
Glad to hear things are settling down a bit. JWT gave great advice on what to do. Hamlets are cool fish, but in my experience with them, they are usually shy and passive. They will really benefit and feel more comfortable in the tank with the more live rock you have. What other fish do you have in the tank? Bo


The tank also consists of chromis, kole tang, and a herald's dwarf angel. Yes I have a ton of live rock with plenty of nooks, crannies, and hiding places. The hamlet is awesome. That blue! Very electric! I am praying that it will be fine. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> TT.


Glad to report that 24 hrs later all is well!. They actually swim together. Go figure. I tell ya, that blue hamlet is one cool fish. I practically hand fed it today with silversides. I know it is going to be one heck of a character. :p