Benefit of "reef ready" tank????


I've seen the "reef ready" tanks with the overflows, but what makes them worth the additional cash? I realize that it costs more to have the holes drilled and the overflows put in, but what are the benefits to this type of setup?
I tend to not like reef ready tanks because as you said every thing is built-in. The down side is that if the over flow breaks it makes it harder to fix because it stuck to the tank,its kinda like those T.V. VCR combo's if one thing breaks you have to take the whole thing to get repaired.
IMO your better of just buying a seperate overflow and tank, thats what I did.


I like reef ready tanks because all the equipment can be placed in a cabinet under the tank ,including the heater,filters, and protein skimmer.
Nothing hangs on the tank.


Yeah, reef ready is nice, cause you don't have all that ugly equipment hanging on the back. And the plumbing is pretty secure, think about is how often does the plumbing in your house leak? Kinda the same thing.


Active Member
I too like reef readys because all the plumbing is on the bottom of the tank. No tubes or overflow boxes hanging off the back of the tank. It would be extremely hard to break a built in over flow, You would have to take the water out and throw a large rock at it.


The main benefit of a built in overflow is that they are much more reliable, assuming you are going to have a sump under the tank. A built in overflow will not be able to lose siphon, which could happen in a hang-on overflow. If the hang-on loses siphon, then your pump can run dry, burn up, and possibly dump a bunch of water on your floor. If you don't plan to use a sump, then you don't want or need a built in overflow.