benefits of live sand

at the moment i have a 29gal. tank with crushed coral instead of LS. i allready put alot of dead coral in and i have a pikefish for a cycler.can someone please tell me if i should get LS instead of keeping my CC because i am having second thoughts about the CC. thank you


Active Member
most will tell you that CC is a mistake since the particles are too large and will trap debris and grow algea quickly, LS will contain filtering bacteria and filters in the same way that LR does, it also contains tons of critters to further clean the sand bed, if you get a bed of at least 4 inches its considered a deep sand bed DSB which will further help nitrogen cycling, you could use argonite sand for the lower bed and top with some LS to seed the argonite and in time the agronite will become live, hope that made some kind of sense
wow! your really smart i like that way to go.sandman has told me before that it is better to get LS andLR insted of CC and dead coral. thanks alot guys i have now decided that i am getting rid of the CC and putting in live sand. hopefully i will get the CC out and the LS in, in about a week and a half($$ need the dough! $$). but really, thanks alot for that info. that right there made me decide for sure.
I'll let you know how its coming along sooner or later
Thanks again -shane-