Berlin Airlift 90 in a 20g long???


New Member
I just cranked up 2 20L nano reef tanks. These tanks were old LFS stock tanks so they are 30.5 X 9.5 X 16.. a bit taller and skinnier than the normal 20Ls.
My question is will a Red Sea Berlin Airlift 90 Skimmer fit in the tank. I understand that they require 15" depth and I'm right there. I have heard both good and bad about them... my LFS has them for $20 each so I was going to try them.
I'm using 25lbs LR and 30lbs LS from and established tank with alot of good growth on them. I'd love to go get a pair of CPR's or Aqua C's but I just cannot afford them right now as I also have to buy lighting for them too. Can the Berlin 90 be effective in a 20g??
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.