berlin airlift trouble


Hey, I just got a berl;in airlift sixty and managed to modify my eclipse hood to fir it in the back left. Well, I hooked up my whisper 400 air pump i had lying around, and nothing, i mean nothing is coming out of that airstone, nothings wrong with the pump, or the line, or the skimmer, so what do i need to do???? pleaaasee?????????


Sometimes airstons aren't any good even if they look ok. Try replacing it before you try anything else....that might be the problem.
Not sure what type of airstone you're running. Limewood is the best for small bubbles. The ceramic ones are garbage, in my opinion, for use in a skimmer. Just my 2 cents


Thanks for the reply guys, I am running it with the limewood airstone that came with the skimmer, it's brand new, so i don't know how it could be bad. Thanks your your input.


Thanks for your help guys, I splurged and got a profile 9500 dual air pump and hooked it up to the berlin, bubbles for daaaaaaaays now! Thanks daveatstupid for I will be sure to follow all your directions, if you have any more tips for me for the eclipse tanks i'd really apreaciate it!