Berlin Classic Question



I recently connected flex tubes on the water output nozzles, which are connected to two 90 degree elbows, with drilled 3/4 pvc pipe running into the sump. (See Burracuda's Pic on my posting Berlin Classic Help). Anyway, my skimmer hasn't been getting foam it used to. I tried adjusting the air flow, but no foam. I was wondering, could I have my setup rigged up in such a way that there is back pressure on the water outlet, thus causing no foam. Wouldn't the skimmer flood if there was back pressure. I'm sorry I have no pics. It seems there are hardly any bubbles within the skimmer, where the foam is created. Anyways, any suggestions or advice would be great.


Active Member
Sometimes it takes few days to skimmer to start concentrate a foam. It also depends on bio-load of your tank. I had the similar problem with mine right after the installation. If you are sure that there is no back presure and the skimmer isn't clogged i wouldn't worry and just wait a few days.


I'm pretty sure there is no back pressure, but what is a good way to make tell? What happens when there is back pressure?


Active Member
back pressure will cause the skimmer to flood. You will see water comes out the "syphon break holes" and a lot of water rises to collection cup.