berlin method


New Member
I was just wondering if you guys could fill me in with some information about the Berlin Method, what you would need, how does it work, and any other information that would be helpful in setting up a tank with it. Right now all I have to work with is a standard 55, but I am thinking about upgrading to a 125 if I can find a good deal on one. Information on how to set a system up with either the 55 or 125 would be extremely helpful. Thanks


The berlin method is when you have a bare bottom tank with a lot of live rock and a protein skimmer. that is basically it.


berlin method.. is for reef
nice sand bed
1/3 of live rock
Large Skimmer
Strong light and water circulation..
No filter..


Is this an aggressive tank?
What do you think Bo, do aggressive fish need aggressive filtration? Mechanical at least?
I'm just wondering since you placed this in the aggressive forum.


Active Member
Personally, I think a quality wet/dry along with a quality skimmer is the best filtration for an aggressive setup. Aggressive fish are messy, thus adding more nutrients, waste, etc. to the water. What aggressive fish are you going to have? Some are a lot less burden on natural filtration than others. Bo