I have hated my Berlin Turbo from day 1. It has been a constant pain with switching one impellor after another waiting on RedSea to get it right. I have since been through 8 impellors and 3 pumps all replaced under warranty. I'm just waiting for it to die again while trying to decide what I want next.
RedSea was great the first year always apologizing about the problems. When I called back after my impellor died (again) it had been over 1 year. Jeckle turned to Hyde at that time and I got the reply, "we are not going to continue supplying free parts to you, this is the last one." My reply to them was to take that last impellor they were offering to send me and shove it up their bunghole. It arrived anyway in the mail a few days later. I handled it very carefully just in case.