Berlin Turbo Skimmer Noise driving me crazy!


Active Member
I have had this Berlin Turbo Protein Skimmer for about two years and it has just started to make this loud humming and rattling noise. If I take the pump apart and clean it, it is quite for a few hours and then it gets loud again. How do I make it quite again. I'm thinking that it is probably the impellor as it is the only moving part, but I've been through all the fixed impellors and I have the latest 18 blade one offered. The rubber ends seem fine and they are on tight so I don't know what can be wrong with it.
Anyone have this problem and know a good fix? If not, my fix is going to be to throw this piece of garbage in the trash and get something else.


im just guessing here but maybe the hole for the inpeller is oblonged and the impeller is not spinning true
look there good luck