Berlin vs. Sea Clone


I'm not looking to start a flame war.
I can buy two of the larget Sea Clone skimmers for the cost of one Berlin one.
I've heard Sea Clone is ok and heck if I can afford two 'ok' skimmers for the cost of a Berlin.... which is the better way to go?
I'm tempted to get two Sea Clones just for redunancy vs. one Berlin (for the same money or less) but I want to hear both sides.


Active Member
The berlin is a much better skimmer in all aspects over the sea clone. It dosen't matter if you have 2 or 10.
The berlin is easier to adjust and has a better output. The quality of the dissolved orgaincs you are removing is more important the the quanity. Kinda hard for me to explain but here it goes...
A skimmer works by injecting air into a swirling chamber of water. The tiny air bubbles bond to organics. The air and organics rise to the top if the water and ride the foam into the collection cup. With the berlin, there is a triple pass which means more contact time between the air and the orgaincs. This allows more to be trapped and removed. With the seaclone, the water is pushed through 2 chambers that both rise straight. This decreases the contact time thus decreasing the amount of organics trapped within the bubbles.
So, even if you have 2, the contact time is less. There will be more liquid waste in the Sea Clone rather than the berlins and the amount of organics ,IMO, will still be less.
Now there are better skimers out there besides the berlin. I have just found the berlin easy on maintance and adjustments.
Good Luck