best 1st anemone for a newbee?


I'm looking for my 1st anemone. 90 gal reef with just purchased T5,
What do you recomment LTA... BTA? I have a pair of clowns,
What is the hardiest, more colorful, less problematic anemone for a 1st timer?


Active Member
Anemones are not something a beginner should be keeping. They are very delicate and need a mature system to be healthy. That being said, if you've had success keeping harder to keep corals, your water parameters are ok, you have enough lighting, and your tank is a least 6 months old a BTA would be a good place to start.
Don't want to burst your bubble or anything.


Active Member
ANd be prepared for it moving around, maybe ending up under LR or behind and cover any pumps that it could get sucked into.


Originally Posted by WangoTango http:///forum/post/2601837
Anemones are not something a beginner should be keeping. They are very delicate and need a mature system to be healthy. That being said, if you've had success keeping harder to keep corals, your water parameters are ok, you have enough lighting, and your tank is a least 6 months old a BTA would be a good place to start.
Don't want to burst your bubble or anything.
Thanks Justin,
I'm a beginner with anemone but not with saltwater fish and soft coral keeping. I'm interested in anemone now cause of my light upgrade (from PC to T5).
Question: I would prefer a "non moving" anemone. Is it the BTA or LTA which attaches to a rock (versus sand)? Once you purchase anemone and rock. It stays where you put it. Right?


Active Member
Thing about anemones is that they're pretty much all mobile, which is why they aren't considered reef safe. They usually only roam why they're first added to the tank and once they find their spot they usually stay put (usually). Most of the time they will attach to a rock.


Get an LTA. My first Anem was a BTA and the damn thing hid under rocks and kill itself...
Got an LTA and he stayed where I put him in the sand. He finally burrowed his body under a rock and is in perfect placement.
So i'd go with an LTA from my experiences.


Active Member
A mature tank is probably the most important part in keeping anemones. I would say more like 9 months to a year instead of 6 months. With the addition of the brighter fixture, you probably going to see a slightly algae spike so I'd give it a little bit, enough if the tank is mature.


Active Member
BTA IMO. Any true anemone you purchase will be mobile, having them stay in one spot when first introduced is a matter of luck IMO. If you decide to purchase an anemone you must keep a close eye on it for the first few weeks to make sure it doesn't move onto or near any corls - or it may irritate/sting them to death. I've lost some soft corals because my anemone was touching them.
What type of T5 setup do you have? And what type of 90 gallon is it? Depth may be another issue, and you may have to place the anemone on the top rockwork to get enough lighting (again dependant upon light type and tank depth).


Active Member
hardiest and least problematic goes to the rock or flower anemone. Sadly clowns don't like them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
Actually the HARDIEST anemonee alive is the GLASS ANEMONEE too bad is a killer to anything o_O
Lol, well other than correcting an above poster this really doesn't help answer the original posters question.
I really think you should research the anemones people have mentioned and make a judgment based of anemone needs and what you can provide.


Active Member
LTAs and BTAs are both considered "more hardy" among anemones. That said, a "hardy" anemone is almost a contradiction in terms anyway...
Anemones will move. You cannot prevent this. If they are happy they tend to stay in one spot, but then they can always split and send a clone on a hike through your tank. Anemones, while often kept in reef tanks, are not reef safe. Be warned. Sooner or later you will have an anemone migrate over one of your prized coral specimens.
I vote BTA if you are going to get one. BTAs are from the Pacific and are a more natural and more readily accepted host for Clowns while being less potent with their stings than some of the other anemones.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
What type of T5 setup do you have? And what type of 90 gallon is it? Depth may be another issue, and you may have to place the anemone on the top rockwork to get enough lighting (again dependant upon light type and tank depth).

Thanks to all.
I have read about the BTA, I think that I will get one with consideration of my clowns' sizes.
My tank is 48x18x24. My T5 are 6x54 W (individual reflectors).
I should not have a problem to have a BTA on the bottom.