Best all around trigger?


Originally Posted by GNorman
bluejaws, crosshatch, sargassums, some say nigers and Hawaiian blacks are tame also...
What he said, but you could also add pink tails in there. You have to watch the Niger's, they can be a little rough on some tank mate sometimes.
Rob $.02


I doubt there is any trigger that is 100% safe with shrimps. The triggers listed, other than the niger, are generally considered reef safe with caution. They may pick at the odd coral, similar to dwarf angels.


We have shrooms in our tank with our triggers. I wouldn't put a shrimp in with any trigger though. They went through several (about 100) crabs that we got. They took out a crab that was a little larger than a golf ball.
The Pinktail picks up HUGE rocks and hurls them around the tank. Sometimes it is the rock with the shrooms on it.
We also have button polyps, some green tubular something, and a white something (corals of some form) they leave all of them alone.
No snails, no crabs, no shrimp with any trigger.
Just my 2 cents
Oh P.S. The Pinktail is great, except for funiture rearranging
the bluejaw is also fairly reef safe.(personal observation)


Active Member
i have a pinktail and he is very mildly behaved and never moves rocks
dont know about corals or anything though


Originally Posted by firefish9
Sorry for high jacking the thread but whats the minimum tank size for a blue jaw.
Not to bash but, If you have to ask what the minimum is for any fish, chances are your set up is too small. I do not recommend keeping any fish in a minimum requirement tank. But to answer your question, I would say no smaller than a 75 gal
Rob $.02


Active Member
i just got a niger today and my yellow tang went up to him right away and hitting him with his tail spike surprisingly the trigger is seemingly peacefull during the hoopla from the tang (only bit him once)