Best and Easiest Anemone for a starter


I'm looking to add an anemone in a couple months and a Tomato clown to go with it. What would you guys suggest for ease of care and something the Clown would like to host in?
I have 55 gal corner bow front, in-case size will affect the answers.
Please school me


i got a bulb anemone and my clowns hosted it within a day.. one of them within in 4 minutes.. very hardy anem. beware they roam a bit while getting situated and they also close up sometimes at night and become 1/10th the size.. but all in all they look awesome


Active Member
tomato clowns host almost every kind of anemone. i would get a condy. they are super easy to care for. but make sure u get a brown one. or a nice long tentacles anemone, they look similar. NEVER get a white anemone that means unhealthy. and also the tentacles should be super sticky. post a pic of what u get!


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
tomato clowns host almost every kind of anemone. i would get a condy. they are super easy to care for. but make sure u get a brown one. or a nice long tentacles anemone, they look similar. NEVER get a white anemone that means unhealthy. and also the tentacles should be super sticky. post a pic of what u get!

Will Tomato's host a condy!?!?! I made the mistake of buying this anemone and it ate my sixline. DO NOT BUY A CONDYLACTIS ANEMONE! They are cheap and you get what you pay for.
Your 54g is perfect for a pair of Tomato clowns. Tomato clowns are the largest clowns at maturity and require a bigger tank than your average nemo. I would suggest getting two if you do plan on getting any sort of clown. Their interactions are awesome to watch especially in an anemone.
I would suggest a GBTA (green bubble tip anemone). My Tomato's hosted one in less than 48 hours. Be aware that any anemone requires stable(mature) water parameters and high output lighting. I currently have my GBTA in a 54g corner tank like yours with a 14K 175 watt halide and two 36 watt actinic PC's.
I will add an updated pic of my GBTA later this week, but this is what it looked like when I first added it to my 6 week old 54g tank under my PC's.