Best Anemone for 30g?


I just can't decide on an anemone for my 30g. My only requirements is that it will be able to host a pair of B&W clowns.
I was thinking about bubble tips but im not sure cause it will be my first anemone. Also it will be under 250w MH bulb with 2x 24w T-5 Actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz
Also which tend to multiply the fastest?
I believe BTA have the highest dentancy to multiply in the home aquarium - but that doesn't mean they do it often. Usually in the home aquarium BTA's multiply by slitting and making a clone of themselves. The problem is there is no solid way of forcing your anemone to split. I've heard stories of people feeding the anemone a lot, then doing a large water change to make then anemone split. Many people actually argue that an anemone splitting is a sign of stress.
Not sure why you want your anemone to split, but IMO in a 30 gallon tank you are at the extremem minimum for tank size. So if your anemone does split i would suggest selling it or giving it away.
As for the hosting, it is hit or miss. I believe a BTA has the highest probablity of your clowns hosting it, but again they may host your heater instead.


Ok thanks for the reassurence. I was thinking about a BTA because I know there easy to care for. Thanks for the feedback about them. I don't plan on keeping it if and when it splits, just in it for a little extra profit thats all. I will make sure that I put it in after my tanks been up and cycled for a year anyway. I will have it under 250w of Mh too so I just wanted to say I fully understand its care requirements. Thank you again.