Best anemone for a yellow stripe maroon


The bta is the maroons natural host anemone, don't see a reason to go with anything esle. They are easy to find and the least demanding of host anemones. Your tank should be mature and stable (6 mos.) before adding an anemone. Research before you buy rather than afterwards, provide proper lighting and pristine water. Your here so your on the right track, read through the threads you'll find horror stories of people who didn't do thier homework and added these to inadequate systems just to watch then die.
Here is a link in case you decide to go with a bta.


Active Member
My maroon hosts both a LTA and a BTA.. he goes back and forth, but he prefers the LTA

IMO get a LTA or BTA.. it doesnt really matter which. If your clown is hosting a shroom he will probably host either anemone.
Most importantly, buy only a healthy specimen. If it takes you a while to find a nice healthy one then just wait for it. It really sucks to bring a bleached nem into your tank, and watch it die while your clown swims around confused

Good Luck!
heres a pic of mine in the LTA. The pic got a little fuzzy because he was defending the nem when I was trying to shoot the pic lol


New Member

They sometimes will take whatever is nearby. Mushrooms aren't so bad. Here are a couple things my clowns hosted in, lol.


New Member
I am still pretty new at all of this so... with the clownfish, i have had Bud (yellow stipe maroon) for about 6 month. I go to the lfs and see all of these clowns in the same tank, but have read that you can't add another clown after you have one established? So is it that i can't mix clowns or no to adding any additional clown at all?