Best Anemone for lower light


6X65watt pc. About 5.2WPG. Will any anemone that pairs with a clownfish work with this amount of light? If not what size of light do I need to get?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What is the size of the tank?
How tall is the tank?
What kind of clowns do you have?
its reaaly hard i had a bubble in a 10 with101 watts of 50/50 and it still died i would stay away depending on light and the tank size these animals are so fragile.


Tank is 75gal 18" tall. 4x65 10000k and 2x65 atinic blue. Turboflotor Protein Skimmer. 30gal sump w/ wet dry and fuge w/ DSB and Chaeto. No fish or inverts in tank yet. Still cycling. These will be put in last, in about a year.


I think u misunderstood one of my questions. I would like to purchase an anemone and clownfish together that have already paired.


You will be able to get a BTA and 2 maroon clowns or tomatoes. These are the 2 species that host in that type of anemone in nature. If you get 2 false perc it's hot or miss. I would not get any other anemone other than a BTA though due to the others having higher light demand. I had one under 4x65 watt pc in a 55 and it did great I then moved it to a 75 and still did grerat. Split all the time. It will need to be in the upper end of the tank and will move to where it is suited best. There are a lot of reasons why anemones die. They are some what fragile, but water quality does not seem like it will be an issue with your set up. Water quality is more of an issue with BTA than light. Some will tell you that Metal halide light is required to keep an anemone, but that is simply not true. Mines been under pc or vho's for 4 years now. It splits about every 6 months.


Bubble tips can do very well without halides, I have noticed them thrive better with them however, but still they are not needed. You can conceivably do well with the combination that you have. I have had them live and split with less light than you have now. My preference here for lighting over a 75 and bubble tips would be a 440 watt VHO setup, but your 6x65 should do fine. Just try to have enough rock work for it to climb to about 2/3 up the water column so that it can decide where it would like to be.