Ive heard that if your clowns dont host then you should take pictures of a clown hosting an anemone, enlarged, and tape them to the glass so the perc can see the example and host. this sounds really stupid but Ive heard stories that it actually works, no matter how ridiculous it looks to have paper taped to the glass.
another thing i heard on this same line is to get a picture of a preditor fish, and put it on the glass too, so then the perc goes and hides into the anemone. again, sounds stupid, i know, but its worth a try. Im getting my true perc in 2 weeks and Im totally going to do it if it doesnt host.
Also, find out if your true perc was tank raised or wild caught. a tank raised might not quite have the instinct to get into the anemone straight away, it might take a while for him to get around to it and realize how much he loves the anemone, vs wild caught would jump right into it as long as the anemone "smelled" right to em.