

So I was in one of the "chain" stores the other rhymes with "metco"...and I see this great looking sebae. Then I notice that the price tag underneath it says that it is a condy and it's marked at $5.99. So I ask the person, "Is this (pointing at the sebea) the condy that is $5.99?" And the person says yes, so I say, "I'll take it."
Anyway I get it home and compare a bunch of pictures and sure enough, it is a sebea. Then last night I go in and my Clarkii is just going nuts! He's rubbing and hiding and darting in and's great!
The only downside is that the sebea won't stay on my rock, it seems to like attaching itself the the glass on the side of my aquarium. No big loss though.
So that's my anemone story...


Active Member
what kind of lights do you have- tank size and how long has it been setup- also is the sebae white?
good price but anemones are not easy especially a sebae


Hahaha... Same place I tried the same exact thing. They had a dark brown really good looking sebae "very large" and I asked how much. He said i think it is 6 bucks then he goes oh no it must be 31.99. *

!!* I bought it anyway. Watch your water. My ph kicked up to 8.7 and I lost it.


Thanks for the tips. He's doing great! Nice tan color. He anchored himself on a chunk of live rock in the front corner of my tank. My clarkii is in heaven!
I have a pretty small setup--55gallons with 160 watts of light. I've always been blessed with great water conditions (knock on wood).


enjoy the two together!
i always wanted my maroon to take to my corals to no avail.
I have been thinking of getting an anenome, even though it seems to be frowned upon on this board.;)
Hope they have each other for a long time!!!:)


Active Member

Originally posted by popoty
even though it seems to be frowned upon on this board.;)

Getting an anemone is not frowned upon- it is the fact that people buy them and kill them, more than once sometimes. It is the fact that people but them and then come here and say look- i got this cool anemone- i dond know how to take care of it- can you help- Know what i mean? There is a huge difference;)


Yes I know what you mean. However; groucheux didnt ask for help on taking care for it, or for advise at all. Just wanted to tell his/her story and not get grilled.


I don't think he got grilled. And, Grouch, you're lucky yours settled where you can see it. Mine is in the back of the tank, and my tank is up against a wall. To see it you have to crane your neck and bend in wierd positions:) , or, you can just look at the inside wall and see it's reflection!


Active Member
Originally posted by popoty
[BJust wanted to tell his/her story and not get grilled. [/B]
Actually i was talking to you but- i wasnt "grilling" you;)