Best Brand Powerhead

nano reefin

New Member
I searched around on the boards and haven't gotten a good answer so I'll just ask.. which brand powerhead would you recommend using for a reef tank?


Active Member
My 2 cents, but I think you will find that a lot of people think Maxi-Jets are awesome - Rios suck and everything else just fits in between the 2.
I don't know what is the best but the best I've ever used are Maxi-jets. I have 4 in my tank and they always restart and I have to watch the water to tell that they are running because they are very quite.

kevin j

I have a 75 gallon reef tank and I only use Maxi-Jets! They are awsome never have any problem with them, they re-start everytime. I use to have others that wouldnt you would have to beat the heck out of them to get them to start!


MAXI-JET gets my vote!!:) :)
Rios are made in China I believe and I don't really trust the product they make. :) :)


My vote is for maxi-jets also. I personally haven't had problems with rio's, but enough people have so I'm phasing them out of my systems. I think rio's really fail when you have them on a wave maker or turn them on and off frequently.



Originally posted by Juggernaut
I've never used the Maxi-Jets. IMO - I've always used the hagen aqua-clear and never had a problem with them stopping and starting. However maybe I'll give the maxi-jets a chance next go round.

Same here !
I'm using 1 aqua-clear 402 in my 20Long, and there's SO much current that i need to turn it lower. Its amazing and silent !