Best buds fighting?


I have had 2 perc clowns for about a month now and they have been best buds since day one. They came form the same tank at the LFS and I have never seen them aggressive towards one another. Recently I have noticed the bigger of the two (which has grown faster than the smaller one) is ramming himself into the little guy everyone now and then. Then they kind of stare at each other for a second. The little guy shakes it off and then they are friendly again. This happened often yesterday I notice. Should I be worried or this typical behavior for clowns? They are the only fish I currently have in the 30 Gallon tank. Thanks so much.


here is my experience: I bought 2 small tomato clowns about 4 years ago that had been at the lfs together for like 3 months. they got along great until one got a lot larger than the other. the bigger female started picking endlessly at the other until he had no fins left, so I had to remove the bigger one. now the one that was being picked on is huge and beautiful. so, just keep an eye on them, you might have to take one out.


They are maturing, the larger one which has become or is becoming the female is establishing dominance. They might even be becoming frisky, with a possible mating in the future.
Were they little when you got them? Any way to figure out how old they are?


Hard to tell how old they are. I got them about a month ago from a LFS who told me they were tank raised. Since being in the tank the little guy has grown slightly, while the larger one has grown a good deal. I would say they were about 1 to 1.5 inches when I got them (closer to the same size then). Is there a way to tell how old they are? :notsure:


Not unless you get them really young and small. My guess is the dominance thing.


I got mine small. They used to do that before. Right around med. size. I had them for atleast 2 years.
I think they worked their domestic violence issue and are ok now.:D
It was only a temp. phase for mine.
I don't see them fighting anymore but i don't know what happens when the lights are out.:joy: