Best Camera?


Active Member
I've been wanting to get a camera for my tank for quite some time now, and I'm looking into finally getting one now that I set up a new 75 gallon and I want to go pure reef with it. So my question is this, what is the best all-around camera that I can use for entire tank pics and macro pics, and what is the price I'm going to expect to pay here? Thx Demo


Active Member
do a search, there quite a few camera threads can pay anywhere from 30-700 or more...i paid 500 for mine and love it(Kodak DX7590) just depends what all you want in a camera...i got mine for the zoom it has...just have to look into the different settings the cameras have...people always will have their preference. but i know there is a thread around that has cameras, and pics by that camera listed.