Best care for anemones??


I have purchased, in the past, about 3 anemones. 1 long tent. and 2 seabeas. I am able to keep them for about 3 months then they seem to just die. I have a 55 gal standard with 257w worth of light. 2 96w PC and 1 65w PC. This is 4.6w per gallon. All testing is done on a regular basis. The only thing that may get high sometimes is nitrates but when I get those readings I will usually do a 10-15% water change that night or the night after. Is there some sort of secret care or something that "must" be done to keep these wonderfull creatures. I have 2 percs that take to any anemone that I put in the tank and they bring it food at every feeding as well. Calcium is always at 400-450, 0 nitrites always, 0-minute trace of amonia(this has never changed since 1st cycle), 3.5 alk, 8.2-8.4 ph, 1.023-1.025 salinity. 78 deg temp always. I do have a skimmer on the tank, bak pak 2, as well as a 10 gallon sump with 7.5 gallons water constant. Any input would be great.
As always, thanks all.


What do you feed them? They may be starving to death, if all the food the get is from the perculas.


Active Member
From my experience, it's almost always starvation. I have been having pretty good luck with my BTA lately, and I've been feeding him at least once a day.