Best Clowns & Anemones for Beginners


Hi, I posted earlier about some mated Perculas and a green carpet anemone that we would really like to get. We may still take that route, but before we do...I want to get a feel for what people find to be the least troublesome sets to get.
What type of clowns & anemones are the best for beginners? We're not clueless, not completely anyway. We have had good success so far with a smaller tank and corals, but no anemones (mushrooms not being counted). My understanding is that the carpet anemones are about the hardest ones to keep - true?


Active Member
Yeah I suppose, carpets can be more difficult. Lets make sure you have the addequate supplies though...How big is your tank? As carepts are the biggest anemone out there at full growth...? And what kind of lighting do you have? They will survive in nothing less than MH.


I recommend a Bubble Tip Anemone, if you read my thread ( ) you'll know what I mean. Plus, I heard you need a really big tank to keep a carpet and also they are the only type of anemone that can have a severe allergic reaction if you touch it without a glove compared to other anemones. So, becareful. You dont want to end up in the hospital. I strongly recommend a BTA, they are very hardy from my own personal experience.