best color and compatibility for 29 gal


I have a 29 gal tank with live rock and live sand . I just recently bought a purple pseudochromis and I am looking for at least 2 other fish that would be compatible with this fish, small enough for my tank and a nice color contrast. I really like bright color.


Active Member
Just like you, I have a 29 gallon tank and a psuedochromis, though mine is a bicolor. You're right; you don't want to add a royal gramma, and probably not any blennines or gobbies. I also have a tomato clown, a false perc clown, and a green reef chromis. The psuedo gets along with them just fine. I've also had four-stripe and yellow-tail damsels with psuedos before. Really, the psuedochromis will got along with pretty much anything as long as it's not too similar to him. If the psuedochromis suspects that the similar fish is going to be competition, then he'll get aggressive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rad
how about a cherub angel? or a fire fish. those two have good color.
The firefish would be a very bad idea. My psuedochromis didn't think much of the one I tried to add.