best corals to add to 24 gal nano

My 24 gal nano has original lights and so far only xenia,ricordia and a few mushrooms (3 polyps) so what other kinds of coral can I add? I have places close to the top of the water to set stuff and some shady places. Can i have plate coral? MBintraining


Active Member
Originally Posted by MBintraining
My 24 gal nano has original lights and so far only xenia,ricordia and a few mushrooms (3 polyps) so what other kinds of coral can I add? I have places close to the top of the water to set stuff and some shady places. Can i have plate coral? MBintraining
Yes you can have a plate coral, almost all soft corals are ok for your tank. Some need to be placed higer on your LR closer to the lights and some need good flow, or both. Colt corals, leathers, carnations, gorgonians (no light req) all can be put in your tank. Hammer Coral, Torch Coral, Zoa's just to name a few more popular ones. There are a lot more too.