Best Damsels?


Just wondering what all of you think are the LEAST aggressive damsels that I will most likely be able to remove after they have helped 'mature' my tank? ;)
AFAIK, blue devils, yellow-tails, jewels, sargeant majors, and those white ones with pink dorsals are not AS aggressive?
Also, what would be the best way to remove the damsels when I feel the need for them to go? Do you think one of those mantis traps shaped like the little box would work? Or is it just 'chase em with the net?'
Drew :)


Active Member
why not cycle fishless??? then ther is no need to use damsels at all
but to answer your q, i like clowns and chromis, they are the lest aggressive damsels you can get, but i still say FISHLESS


Oh sorry...I didnt mention its already cycled! ;)
Cycled in one week, 90 gallons, with 93#+ of LR :)
I would never cycle with fish! :p
I just wanted some fish to help the system mature as I plan on keeping more sensitive fish that need a more established tank... :|
Im just worried about getting the damsels out after...


Active Member
wjhat fish do you plan on, get fish that are heartier and will cohabitate well with what you want in the long run, forget the damsels altogether, esp. i fyou plan to remove tehm later, or as i said, chromis a re cool fish and hearty and won't bother others(but htey may be tooo docile for other species)


Firstly, when ready, I plan on adding a coral beauty, then a flame angel , one heniochus or two [cannot decide], and a powder blue tang. And, after a long time, a mandarin!
Maybe something else along the way like a royal gramma or something colourful along the way...
I know a lot of these fish would not appreciate the damsles...
Drew :)


Active Member
how about a royal gramm or a small shoal of chromis, or a pair of firefish or pair of percula clowns?
any of these should be ok with your intentions and are fairly hearty, but they are all very peaceful fish(the clowns are semi, but generally not a problem)


I also wanted to add a lawnmower blenny eventually for algae clean up and cause theyre so adorable! ;)
Would a royal gramma bother him because theyre both bottom-dwellers...would the gramma bother other bottom-dwellers?
I dont like chromis too much :| And expensive around here...$13+ each... Ive seen them online for about $3 each :| Also, ugly IMO ;)
Are ocellaris clowns as hardy as their reputation says they are? They are quite pricey around here, too... I know they do not need a host anemone, or any host for that matter, but would they do better with one? I do not have corals or such...maybe a large shell? Or are they absolutely fine without something for them to take to?
Drew :)


Active Member
Honestly - Yellow tailed damsels - get three or four. these guys don't really get big enough to bother any other fish and their the most docile of the species I've seen.


Dont get any damsels!! I cant get mine out of my tank. They were trying to attack my six line wrasse tonight before i rescued him back to my quarantine tank.


I used to like yellow tail blue damsel, but after getting one and ended up with a cleaner shrimp with 'damaged' antennae, I returned him. I do agree that it's a pain in the butt to get it out.
But now, I'm thinking on getting domino damsel. One of the reason is that this fish is an anemonefish, it will go into anemones. Also there was this one guy who has maroon, skunk, and domino sleep together in one anemones, that's just awesome.
Well take that into consideration, but if you don't want one to stay in your tank, I suggest not getting one. It's not worth it.


Damsels are great... and they make excellent shark hunting food once the tank has cycled. I generally use Sgt Major Damsels since they get very large very quickly... and they seem to be hardiest I have come by so far.


I started with 3 damsels WAY back when, a yellow tail, a 30stripe and a tiny domino. The domino became HUGE and started beating up on everyone. I now have a poor Charlie Brown yellow tang who never grew his dorsal fin back because I didn't get him out fast enough :mad: The 3-stripe is growing slowly and doesn't bother anyone except for occasionally chasing the yellow tail who stayed nice and small and docile, but you can bet I'm keeping my eyes on them both!


New Member
I would skip the damsels and lean more towards clowns. I have kept clarki and percs. Both were very hardy and much more mild tempered. I don't think there is such a thing as a good damsel, let alone the best...


Active Member
Lots of good advise here ...
If you're hoping to keep more sensitive fish in the future ..... damsels are really not the best way to go. Chances are they will cause you problems down the road, and trying to get them out of a tank with 93+ lbs of live rock will almost be impossible.
Don't keep pitbulls on the farm if you're planning to raise lambs.


here is a trick that worked for us
Start feeding the fish within a net
or guppy breeder.When you want him out lift the net.
Worked on a Domino in 500 gallon live rock tank


Active Member
my false percs are more than happy without any host, and the lwnmower, if you have rock, you will find to be a rock dweller more than a bottom dweller, ours sits on the rock most of the time, when not feeding, and you could add him now, they are fairly easy to care for and hearty
in a 90 gal, i would not reccommend 2 dwarf angels 2 angels butterflys and a powder blue tang(especially this guy, they are very difficult fish to start with, look at a hippo or white cheek, much easier), and i don't think the gramma would be a prob for the blenny, blennies are almost fearless, so you will find very few fish bother them, especially something the size of a gramma(and not aggressive), but again, i say no damsels if possible


The best damsel is no damsel.Can't stand them i have two striped damsels i can't get out of my tank.these fish are faster then a bolt of lighting.
Go with a pair of clowns.